

Hello! I'm Daniel. I write code for a living and I'm a furry! I made this website to show off my character, Daitarou, and thought it would be cool to make character or artist sites for others!

I ask that you please read everything on this page before you decide to commission me!


Here are a few words that I use that may not be familiar to everyone.

  • Domain: The base part of a url, the part before and after the last period. For example, in, the domain It costs money to rent domains and point them to your content, though it's usually fairly cheap at about $12 per year.
  • Hosting: This is where your website lives. It's the computer(s) that actually run the code necessary for users to reach your site. Nowadays, hosting is usually in the cloud. Depending on the popularity and type of website, hosting could cost anywhere from $0 to $500 per month. Average WordPress hosting costs about $20/month. If you commission me, it'll cost you nothing.

What you get

A professionally-designed website

I write all kinds of code for my job, but web design is my passion. Expect your site to look good, load fast, and fit your design!

If you'd like samples of my work, check out my GitHub for now. I will make a portfolio site soon!

Free hosting*

That's right! No more paying $20/month to host your website. Your pages are statically generated, which means the files can be hosted for free on a worldwide CDN provided by Vercel!

* As long as your site doesn't exceed 100GB of bandwidth per month. I don't forsee this happening in most cases.

Free domain for 1 year

I'll cover the first year of DNS registration, as long as your preferred domain is available and reasonably priced. It costs about $12/year after that.

Free minor edits

Small edits like changing the theme color, swapping an image, editing text, etc. are covered. Just send me a message and I'll make the change!

Discounted major edits

Additional pages, redesigns, and interactive sections are available at a discounted price after completion.

Note: I will not accept major edits until two months have elapsed. I'm doing this as a service to my customers and I would rather not have someone take advantage of it. Please make sure you know what you want before you make your submission.

It's yours

Upon completion, you will receive the complete source code for your website to use as you wish. If you're technically-adept, feel free to make your own changes or publish it with your preferred hosting provider.

Though it's yours, I'd request that you leave some kind of credit to me on the site. In addition, please don't resell the code or designs to others.


All pricing will by manually quoted; however, expected prices are outlined below.

  • Base price: $70

    Includes domain, hosting, design, and one simple page. Dynamic page +$15.

  • Simple pages: $20

    Static, simple page, not intended to be changed significantly in the future.

  • Dynamic pages: $30+

    Custom page that allows for the owner to make changes or add to the content at any time without any knowledge of how to code.

  • Complex styles and animations: $20+

    Any kind of complex animation falls under this category. Simple animations, such as basic hover transitions as seen on my homepage's gallery, do not cost extra.

  • Vanity domain: $10+

    Not all domains are the same. Some domains are much more expensive than others. Domains that are included in the cost of your site cost about $10-20 per year. Any more than that costs extra.

I won't charge for any reasonable amount of images. However, if you're looking for a full-fledged gallery website where you want to organize and upload massive amounts of images, I urge you to look into alternatives. I am building an open-source gallery manager called WTag over on GitHub that you are welcome to use!

If you are interested, I would be happy to set up an instance and host it for you. Unfortunately, unlike static websites, hosting is not free.

Refunds and Cancellations

If you decide to cancel your commission, the amount refunded will depend on several factors:

  • If I have not started work on your site in any capacity, I will refund the entire cost.
  • Once I have started work, I will refund half of the base price.
  • I will refund the full amount of pages not yet started.
  • I will not refund partially-completed pages.


Alright, so this looks like something you'd be interested in. Where do we start?

  1. Send in an interest form!

    Make sure to include as much detail as possible in the description. Some things to consider: include descriptions of every page that you would like. What kind of content do you want to add in the future? Describe the type of overall feeling the site should have--is it fun? Happy? Serious? Sad? What kind of color scheme should it have? Include a link to some reference images of your character if applicable.

  2. I will get back to you soon to get started fleshing out the site. We'll work together to make sure I know what you want. You'll get at least one screenshot of a very rough mock-up. Once I feel comfortable that I know how to proceed, I'll ask for payment.
  3. As I work on your site, you will have access to an up-to-date, working version of your code. When I finish something big, I'll ask you for any changes you'd like to have made before I continue. Reach out at any time if you want me to change something; the sooner I know, the easier it is to fix.
  4. Once I complete your site, I will confirm with you that everything looks good. Then, I will enable your main site and work with you to make sure you have complete access to the source code, DNS management, and content files. As long as you promise to keep some kind of attribution to me and not sell it, you can use it however you'd like.


  • The cost outlined above is not a subscription, it is a one-time payment, aside from the domain.

More content will be added as I receive more questions.

Please ask me some! There is an inquiry form below for you to use!

Inquiry Form